Assignment #8

In the first place people with power are able to marginalized and exploit people by making people feel not as good as other races.They can use this power to oppress people that don’t have privilege and power. The Europeans with power came over and oppressed people, and killed people the the people(the people im talking about is the Native Americans)and the people couldn’t fight back because the Europeans killed to many that they got into the Native’s heads and took over so bad the Natives were giving up.That document is a book titled “In Defense of the Indians” written in 1521 by Bartolome De Las Casas. “During these 11 years more than 2 million souls gave perished and only 2 thousand survivors are to be seen and this number is shrinking day by days”. Because instead of the Natives trying to gather and get strength in numbers they didn’t try to fight back even if the Europeans weapons were stronger the 2 million or more people that died could have easily took out Columbus and his men, but the Natives saw so many people dying because the Europeans weapons were so advanced they didn’t even think the fight back they just gave up.


Next ,people with power are able to marginalized and exploit people by making people feel not as good as other races.  On the FHA maps they have areas that rate the neighborhoods for insurance, they have green areas (suburbs) and the red areas (projects) that have a majority of black people living there..This document was made by a news website called The Atlantic titled “The case for Reparations” by Ta-Nahesi Coates written in June 2014.In document #6 it says that “On the maps,green areas, rated “A” indicated “in demand” neighborhoods that,as one appraiser put it, did not have “a single foreigner or Negro”. These neighborhoods were considered excellent prospects for insurance.Neighborhoods where black people lived rated “D” and were usually considered ineligible for FHA Insurance.They were colored in red.”.This reveals that the FHA are marginalizing the African American because they aren’t giving them good housing and no insurance.


Lastly,people with power are able to marginalized and exploit people by making people feel not as good as other races. In 1529 a seventeen year old Aztec Scribe records his impressions of a Sacrifice Ritual that happened in Tenochtitlan. On this ritual they gave a prisoner food and treated him as god just to end up killing them. I think that this showed the Tenochtitlan people was exploiting him to use them as their ritual .

One thought on “Assignment #8”

  1. Hi DeMarreon my name is Daniela. I’m in Mr.Muniz’s fifth period class. I was looking for these mistakes, the document numbers being included, and your intro doesn’t mention the supporting paragraphs evidence, analysis doesn’t match the evidence and, to capitalize. I did not find any of these four mistakes. Good job!

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